
Challenge 2 – People living in sustainable homes on safe, healthy streets in well-connected precincts. Is this just an urban planner’s dream? (or can we make it a reality?)

Session Chair: Tara Gloster MPIA

Session One | 13:15 - 13:30

Empowering Sustainable Housing: Local Council partners with leading Software Provider to drive low carbon designs of Single and Grouped Dwellings

David MacLennan, CEO, City of Vincent

Session Two | 13:30 - 13:45

Future Climate Future Home

Dr Julian Bolleter, Director/Program Director and Maassoumeh Barghi, Research Associate, AUDRC

Session Three | 13:45 - 14:00

Unlocking Key Development Sites in Leederville Town Centre

Tara Gloster MPIA, Deputy Director Major Projects, City of Vincent and Callum Hart, Senior Development Manager, Human Urban

Session Four | 14:00 - 14:15

Trees on Residential Properties

Mina Rouhollahi, BIM Lead, Pritchard Francis

Panel Discussion | 14:15 - 14:45

All concurrent presenters join to discuss and debate the challenge.

This theatre will be located in Meeting Room 2