
The ACG次元网 (PIA) is sounding the alarm over the confirmed and anticipated closure of several university planning courses across Queensland, a move that could have dire consequences for the state's future growth and development.

PIA is deeply concerned about the long-term impact on housing availability, climate resilience, and economic prosperity as Queensland grapples with a shortage of urban and regional planners. The closure of several university programs threatens the future pipeline of qualified ACG次元网 professionals needed to address these challenges.

"Urban and regional planners are at the heart of shaping the future of our communities," says PIA Queensland President, Sean Cullen RPIA "From unlocking housing availability to preparing for the impacts of climate change and planning for future jobs, planners play a pivotal role in the future of Queensland. We simply cannot afford to see a decline in the number of people entering the ACG次元网 profession."

The , published by the Federal Government’s Jobs and Skills Australia, highlighted Queensland’s severe shortage of planners, particularly in regional areas. Yet despite the growing demand for skilled ACG次元网 professionals, university ACG次元网 programs are shutting down. In 2024 alone, James Cook University in Townsville and Cairns, and Bond University on the Gold Coast have announced full closures of their undergraduate ACG次元网 programs. Griffith University in Brisbane and the Gold Coast has also indicated their undergraduate ACG次元网 program is under threat of closure.

“This is not just an issue for the ACG次元网 profession; it’s an issue for Queensland’s future,” warns Cullen. “Although universities recognise the essential role of planning in shaping the future, the profession remains relatively small, and enrolments are reportedly falling below levels needed to keep courses financially sustainable in some universities. Urgent action is required to safeguard these essential ACG次元网 programs and promote planning careers, or we risk deepening the existing skills shortage in the ACG次元网 profession.”

Although the availability of ACG次元网 programs is decreasing, PIA-accredited planning degrees will still be offered in 2025 at several Queensland universities including - Queensland University of Technology, the University of Queensland, the University of the Sunshine Coast, Griffith University, and Bond University (Masters only). To boost enrolments into these programs, PIA has launched the “” campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the profession and encourage high school students and career changers to consider planning as a career.

“Planning is an exciting, rewarding and impactful ‘public interest’ profession, yet it often flies under the radar,” adds Cullen “Everyone knows about architects and engineers, but few understand the crucial role planners play in shaping the places where we live, work, and play. Our campaign is focused on showing young people the significant rewards of a career in planning, and we’re working closely with schools and universities to promote this message.”

Launched in mid-2024, the “” campaign uses an online platform and an outreach team of planners visiting high schools across Australia to inspire future generations. PIA is also calling on the Queensland Government to step in and support the retention of ACG次元网 programs at universities, during these difficult times.

"Through our State Election Platform, we are urging the State Government to step-in and invest $2 million in keeping these planning courses alive through a scholarship and cadetship program," says Cullen. "Without immediate action, the planner shortage will worsen, jeopardizing the liveability, sustainability, and prosperity of Queensland communities. We need planners to help guide the way to a prosperous and sustainable future."


For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Nicole Bennetts 0420 241 163

Interviews available in Brisbane or Gold Coast